
Lavonda Dean
FSU Tech Fellows
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2019


Knowledge & Experience

As the end of my internship approaches, I can’t help but to reflect on everything I’ve learned and experienced while here at StarterStudio. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to work in such a prosperous environment. An environment immersed with a variety of delightful individuals actively involved and engaged in its community and the welfare of those within. Time has truly flown, as I flashback to my first day, the memory of being filled with excitement about what was to come is almost nostalgic.

The now acquired knowledge and experience of all that has come only adds to that which I expected and so much more. While interning, I have been given a plethora of opportunities to grow and strengthen my soft skills such as office management, internal and external communication, as well as daily of operations required within a co-working space. No one is to shy to ask for help or to converse, even if just for a few moments. This has allowed me to emerge from my comfort zone of being a more introvert individual and to also initiate conversation with others in a way that I may have never been able to before.

Being in a work space that enables self-initiated creativity, individuality, and collaboration results in flourishing personalities and a thriving community. Knowing what was expected of me each week as discussed with my director and being given the freedom to complete each task in my own accord as long as objectives and and company agendas are being met is the ideal workplace for someone such as myself. Learning and developing in an environment with those mutually interested in your well being as well as that of the space also allows for personal projects to be planned, organized, executed, and achieved. This creates a sense of accomplishment for all members and staff and adds to their will and want to add to the productivity of the non-profit.

My time here has definitely been rewarding and enlightening as I not only gained attributes and expanded my skills as a professional, but also a person who understand show community and the engagement of those within affect my life, theirs, our community, and the economy as a whole.

