Ashley Taylor
FSU Tech Fellows
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2019

Week 2 has stemmed off of last week with the continuing with my on-boarding process. I have become revisited some of the programs and sites used on a day to day basis, while others are brand new to me. What has surprised within this week assignments were the number of tools the team utilizes in order for TBW to function efficiently, especially the marketing team. I have seen these tools be used either for external use like programming for the startups they are working with or internally for the team to communicate accordingly. Of course, we are in more of a digital time where the majority of information is kept online, but to see all of these multiples sites that have somewhat different purposes be used cohesively to report data that can improve the productivity of each staff member was fascinating to me. All of these programs connect together, in what seems like a somewhat complicated way, to provide needed data and I do not doubt that some of these same tools are being used by the startups. This is fairly important to me because I do aspire to become an entrepreneur and begin my own business.

I have been exposed to programs such as HubSpot and Cobot throughout this week, which both aid in reporting activity from the websites various pages and within the office with the startup and staff. HubSpot was previously mentioned in classes at FSU, but we never took the time to use it. Majority of my week consisted of getting acquainted with this program and taking time to understand uses. Along with that, I was happy to see a tool that I have used in previous years, WordPress. I felt slight relief to see something that I constantly used, from grade school to college.

Ultimately, week 2 was just as amazing as my first week. I have had time to adjust and get to know everyone in the office better. I’m excited to go into next week with tasks that are outside of my normal skillset and find out what other passions I might have beside graphic design.

Stay tuned!

