Week 4: A Colorful Week

Isiah Steven Parfait
FSU Tech Fellows
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018

June 11–15, 2018

Graphic for Sponsorship Campaign

This week was a handful that I am very proud of. Monday, I started the day shadowing our lead web designer Ryan. He is absolutely a person who puts me in learning mode — which I enjoy. He loves what he is doing and knows what he’s doing. I had gotten the opportunity to ask him anything tech. I learned about all kinds of things, content delivery networks, virtual private networks, as well as, accordion and other thematic layout styles for web interfaces. I learn so much in fact that when Ryan wasn’t present for a meeting I was able to go through our files by computer to present necessary data. Tuesday, was a day that I definitely felt. It marked the second year since the Pulse Massacre. I talked to people who agreed since then Orlando, as a city, had become more involved and supportive of the queer community. At work, the management was very understanding of anyone who wished to partake in any city event during office hours- excusing themselves. It felt so okay to gay on this day, this is what I’ll remember about this day the most. Wednesday the interim manager, complimented my writing style, as well as, a filer I had designed and got approved for the social justice series that ‘ll be leading. During, the week I also got to work on a graphic with our marketing lead Haley. It was supposed to be a fun graphic for content for our new fundraising campaign. I used the campaigns logo, our brand logo, as well as, a happy-friendly idea to come up with the graphic which I hope will be used. The Friday ended with the Boss Dona — whom I call Donatella — reviewing some research I did. I did okay, but could have been more thorough, but I now know this.



Isiah Steven Parfait
FSU Tech Fellows

Studying policy at the intersection of identities in order to promote laws and institutions that empowers everyone.