Week 5: Anxiety and the Checkpoint

Isiah Steven Parfait
FSU Tech Fellows
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2018

June 18, 2018 — June 22, 2018


This was the first week that I tried working from home. Hmmm. I still do not know how I feel about it. I guess there is nothing that puts you in the mood for a day of productivity like morning traffic. Maybe it’s the varied grays like the pewter on cars and building that just symbolize a transition into the workspace. But at home, work felt unreal. It’s like telling students who feel the need to go to crammed Strozier to study that they can get work done staying in their residence halls. I have also been trying to work on two research projects this week; one as a part of the tech fellows requirements; and, another one for a report our Director needs. But, I cannot tell you how many hours meetings and formalities take from each day, let alone lunch breaks — when I choose to actually take one. I just feel as those work doesn’t end after five. I know I am not wasting time but wtf! Check me out, I go to bed at 11 PM, wake up at 7 AM. Make breakfast, iron, and care to my hygiene and am at work by 8:30–9 o’clock. I stay till 4 or 5pm, walk twenty minutes to the free parking, and spend an hour in traffic — which is now the reason I see the benefits of tolls. I get home between 6:30 and 7pm. Giving me four hours to go to the gym, meal prep, wash clothes, call family, tend to my social media. UGH and still, no research to show for what feels like it hasn’t been five weeks. I think a part of my frustration is that these two long term projects are not giving me a sense of satisfaction that comes with completing smaller ones — especially during our weekly meetings when we are expected to share our progress made. But, I sometimes wonder where, when and if I should spend time after work completing office responsibilities. Like, when do I breathe? Okay, I understand, I am being a little dramatic or panicked but I am concerned for my work-life balance. It’s like full time student meets full time job meets studying , exhaustion, off the clock emails, meetups and events during weekends. While trying to go to church every week which I consider an accomplishment. I talked to my coworkers and though they are not allowed to go overtime, most of them do tend to workplace obligations off the clock.

This week was 3rd Thursday Gallery Hop, as a part of the downtown arts district, our office is used as a gallery for Orlando-based art. Each month, a local curator creates different themes and the public walk through designated areas to see the pieces. Some of the painting in our coworking space sale at as high as $2,000. This is an opportunity not only for community building, but showing the public the best we have to offer for creatives.

This week I also got the opportunity to learn more from Jordan Walker, a creative at SoFriendly about creative corporate culture. SoFriendly, with a location in StarterStudio, is a product design and development agency focused on designing user experiences that create loyal customers. Walker emphasized making happiness, in particular, mental health a part of your company culture. If you want customers to feel a way about your company it starts with your employees. He also said give people an opportunity to show up, holding themselves accountable and having a standard. He told me to see how you can help your employees develop their skills and brand so that it is always a mutual exchange of great value. Lastly, he emphasized due diligence, always being cautious of what message you can be potentially setting.



Isiah Steven Parfait
FSU Tech Fellows

Studying policy at the intersection of identities in order to promote laws and institutions that empowers everyone.