Mia Mercado
FSU Tech Fellows
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2018

500 Startups builds community in Miami in many different creative and successful ways. The number one way in which we build community is through the bootcamps that we have hosted. These bootcamps bring together startups for two days. They go through intensive presentations, office hours, and lectures. Because of this, they are able to get to know one another while also learning along side each other. Through the questions they ask and the exercises mentors prepare for these startups, they are able to interact and grow from one another while listening to each others challenges, opinions, and ideas.

Another huge way that 500 Startups build community in Miami is by hosting events that are not only limited to startups but are also open to the public. For example, our most recent bootcamp was a marketing bootcamp. The night before the bootcamp started 500 Startups held an event which was open to the public. The chosen startups were required to attend which made meeting each other the next day more lighthearted and less intimidating. This also gave the startups exposure to the rest of the Miami tech community that was present for the event. Networking took place before and after the event helping many people connect with each other in our space.

The last way in which I think 500 Startups helps build community is by our Slack channel. Our slack channel includes all of the startups that have gone through our bootcamps. This helps them stay connected with us and with each other while also allowing them to share their news, programs, ideas, or just to chat!

Overall, 500 Startups presence in Miami is already very well known in the short amount of time that they have been here. Once the accelerator launches in September, the community building will continue to skyrocket.



Mia Mercado
FSU Tech Fellows

Current third year Florida State University student studying Information, Communication, and Technology. Intern with 500 Startups in Miami, Fl.