Receiving Passive Remote Job Opportunities on LinkedIn

It only takes five minutes to notify every recruiter on LinkedIn that you want to work remotely.

Robert Gibb
The Remote Job Course


LinkedIn gives aspiring remote workers some easy-to-use tools to find and receive remote job opportunities. Features that empower remote work are appearing more frequently on the platform and one of the most recent features I came across is the ability to tell recruiters that you’re interested in working remotely.

Enabling this feature is easy and, after enabling it by following the instructions below, you can passively receive interview requests for full time remote jobs. Using this feature alongside LinkedIn’s remote job search feature will help you get a remote job faster.

I’ve landed some great interviews at remote-friendly companies using LinkedIn and I’m sure you can too. The most important prerequisites are having a clear and direct LinkedIn profile. For inspiration, you can check out my LinkedIn profile. (My headline is funky right now because I’m promoting a side project but the content in the “Experience” section is worth following.)

Enabling the “open to working remotely” feature on LinkedIn

Go to LinkedIn and navigate to your profile page by selecting Me > View Profile in the top navigation.

On your profile page you will see a box that says Your Dashboard. This is located below the…

