Ryan Pangilinan
Published in
1 min readJan 12, 2015

In the many years that I’ve been working within the social media construct, the most common thread that many people is that there’s a misconception that social is simply just making a number of posts on Facebook and Twitter.

To quote Chris Rock, “That ain’t right!”

Strategy and having a goal to strive to is an incredibly important for success. The problem is that many of the agencies and resources who realize this very basic fact chase after multibillion dollar corporations — who already have resources, but are looking for that leg up in the marketplace.

Where does this leave small businesses? Picking up the pieces based on misinformation on the internet or elsewhere. The fact that many independent businesses are left out in the cold by many (not all) ad agencies is discourteous to the American wherewithal, not to mention that it creates a line of modern day robber barons.

There certainly are businesses who’ve been able to steer their social ship to successful waters, but there is definitely a sector who’ve had trouble adapting to the current (and future) landscape of social marketing.

To my fellow small business owners, there’s a way to empower yourselves and plant your feet solidly into the ground. I’m not suggesting it has to be through me or even through an agency. The tools are there; it’s just time to properly arm yourself.

Keep your eye on this blog for those tools….



Ryan Pangilinan

Social media strategist. Seaside Tryst bassist. Vintage Dope. DJ for Hire. Filipino guy who does stuff.