NLP Mainnet Launched

FTW Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2019

We are extremely proud to announce that the NLP (NEP5 Lottery Platform) has officially launched on the NEO mainnet on February 4th 2019 at 00:00 UTC.

What is NLP

NLP is the first purely decentralized smart contract lottery that lets users operate and maintain the lottery over their earnings. it aims to rectify the shortcomings in the traditional lottery in which the participation is limited and most funds are used in maintaining administrative costs.



  • Lottery
  • Raffle

Play at


In our decentralized and blockchain based lottery, winners are paid after drawing and verifying of tickets have been completed and other users in the lottery who participated can maintain full autonomy over their earnings.

Users can do

  • Participate lottery
  • Draw lottery
  • Verify the lottery tickets

Supported tokens

  • FTX (1 FTX per ticket)
  • CNEO (0.1 CNEO per ticket)
  • CGAS (1 CGAS per ticket)

More information about the raffle can be found on the about page:


In our raffle, users can create their own raffle and set a winning amount of tokens. Other users then pay for a ticket in the hope of being picked as the winner to scoop home the prize.

Prizes can be

  • FTX
  • CNEO
  • CGAS

Tickets can be purchased with

  • FTX

More information about the raffle can be found on the about page:


We will have some events weekly using our raffle.
Stay tuned!

