About FTW

Ilene Kuehl
FTW: For the Win
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2020


Foreword: For the Win

Stine86Engel | Pixabay

When you tell people that you want to work in the video game industry, you’re going to hear a wide variety of comments. You’re going to hear that it’s a lofty goal, that it’s unrealistic — and you’re going to hear it often.

You can’t.


You’re insane. That field is way too competitive.

People think that having a career in storytelling or gaming is about as realistic as having a career in unicorn farming.

Is it?

Think again.

If you scroll through the credits of any titles, from AAA to indie stuff, one thing will almost always pop up at the end: credits. Credits that contain the names of all the people who were involved in production.


I want you to let that sink in for a moment.

That means that people are making those games, people like you. Maybe it was their writing, their music, their voice acting, or their programming.

Whatever it was, somehow they managed to get their foot in the door. Those people made their dreams come true, they brought their video games to life.

Someday, you might be one of them.



Ilene Kuehl
FTW: For the Win

Game writer & digital artist. I write about creativity, writing, & working in the video game industry. I 🤍 pink & vaporwave.