The Art of *uck The World!

FTW Tour
FTW Tour
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

Sorry not Sorry!

Sorry it took us so long. Well… Sorry not Sorry! We talked about documenting our adventures in a blog for years but were too busy keeping our commitment to traveling more and living more.

We have met so many cool people through our Instagram page @ftwtour who have contacted us after the fact and said, “We did a trip to that place you suggested and it was fantastic!” So we are now focusing on developing and writing more articles. The main goal of is to encourage everyone, including ourselves, to disconnect from the computers and devices and go outside and explore the world!

The Art of *ucking The World

Send us a message for FREE stickers. Take a photo with it on your next trip and tag us #ftwtour!

We came up with FTW Tour during one of our trips which is an acronym to remind our “working selves” to embrace traveling and live life more and tour the world. FTW literally means “Fuck The World.” It’s the feeling you get when you are in a beautiful place with the person or people you love and nothing else matters. The moment is SO AWESOME you want to throw up your middle fingers and FTW… Don’t judge it until you try it! When you do have that FTW moment, please take photos and use them to motivate you to book your next trip and #ftwtour so we can see too! It’s an empowering feeling you will never regret when you are in that exotic location you always dreamed about while everyone else is at work.

How Can I Contribute?

We welcome anyone who wants to contribute quality content that will motivate people to get outside and explore the world. Writing, Photography, Video Stories are all welcome. We are not looking to own anyone’s work. We have a cool following who appreciate legit travel, adventure, healthy living type stories that are not driven by advertising. Please contact us if you are interested in being a contributor to FTW Tour.

Check out more of our trips and follow us on Instagram @ftwtour >>
Check out more of @piratebeachum’s photography >>



FTW Tour
FTW Tour
Editor for

More travel, more living! Traveling Couple & FurBaby Sharing Photos And Stories From What We Call “The FTW Tour!” 🔜 Exuma, Bahamas