Are You a Frodo or an Indiana Jones?

The stakes are high in genealogy and in life

Andrew Gaertner
Fuck Capitalism


Tree photo from the author’s collection.

It is blockbuster movie season when studios bring out the epics with all the stars. This December, be on the lookout for the biggest story of them all, The Genealogist, starring you!

I like to think we are all heroes in our own stories. What kind of hero do you imagine yourself to be?

Are you a Frodo? Or an Indy?

I’d like to be Frodo, although sometimes my solo functioning pattern makes me into an Indy.

It makes a difference.

There is a knock on the door. An unexpected visitor arrives with a smile and you (the protagonist in your own story) are cordially invited to go on a quest. You grab your coat, your DNA kit, your family photos, and a typed-out family tree that your grand-uncle made a long time ago, and you set off into the unknown. This is the beginning of a grand adventure.

Whenever I start a tree with a client, I do feel a little like a Hobbit about to embark on a quest. I never know what I might find and I love the arc of discovery as a family reveals itself to me through the documents that give details of places, occupations, immigration, military service, unexpected loss, and all intersections with historical events.



Andrew Gaertner
Fuck Capitalism

To live in a world of peace and justice we must imagine it first. For this, we need artists and writers. I write to reach for the edges of what is possible.