Feminism and Fucking:

A Guide to Riding the Third Wave

Steven Hogue
3 min readMar 22, 2014

Here I sit listening to Rachel Maddow elaborate on Michigan’s new “rapeinsurance” bill, which requires a woman to pay out-of-pocket for any abortion that doesn’t threaten her life, and wonder how the fuck did America become so blind to blatant discrimination. One would think we would be so far progressed that a woman’s choice of clothing and perspective couldn’t possibly warrant sexual assault, but sadly that isn’t the case. Women are still compartmentalized into the Madonna/Whore paradigm and like the adherence and deviation of the constructs of masculinity, there are punishments and rewards. I’m a big believer in the concept of fully sexualized liberties—if it is consensual from both parties, then fuck it.

I honestly gave up reading halfway through ”Just a Prude? Feminism, Pornography, and Men’s Responsibility.” He is whiney and probably still a virgin. He states he isn’t speaking for females, but I would say that shunning a woman for allowing a man to ejaculate on her face and in her mouth limits her rights. Or how it is her choice, but seeing these acts of domination condition men to see women as nothing but an orifice for their penis. But I don’t think watching “Throat-Fucked Whores Vol. 5” does that; abuse runs much deeper, and to say that rough sex is really only enjoyable for a man is like basically denying women the right to open sex.

I wanted to vomit every time I heard him say “Those women are not a fantasy. They are people. They are just like us . . . with hopes and dreams and desires” (Jensen). Of course Dynamite has hopes, dreams, and desires. I hope she is able to take the cash for giving all of those men a blowjob and achieve her hopes, dreams, and desires. Censoring a women engaging in rough sex is doing anything but liberating—it is objectifying them. Women can be animalistic beasts who completely want to bang. I actually asked several of my female friends to read the crass sex scene and the group agreed on it being sexy. Society is so prone to coupling submission and femininity together. I’m a gay man and I love being throat-fucked.

Why can’t a women be dominated and enjoy it? Jensen creates this construct of a women being this pristine object that can’t speak for herself (obviously because she has sooooo much penis in her mouth), and really only enjoys Missionary-style and maybe doggie-style, but only when really tipsy. And if she does imbibe in the carnal delights, it is only out of some act of desperation—be that financial or psychological. We see this obscuring of the female form manifest in the American language. We can’t call someone a cunt without some sort of gasp, but across the pond it is a term of endearment.

The commodification of the female form.

It is this type of complexity that oppresses feminists who engage in these submissive sexual practices, and these same antiquated minds are the reason Feminism gets an angry, man-hating, ugly-girl sticker. It is time to rebrand the concept of Feminism and realize that solidarity with man is the only way to build a humane life. The exclusiveness of Feminism is its biggest downfall—an egalitarian group cannot discriminate; if women discriminate against men, they are no better than their misogynistic male counter-parts.

