Great Savings Tip: Lose Your Wallet

Monday-ish Money Check-in: Nov. 28, 2018

Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding
2 min readNov 28, 2017


Mother efffffffffffer, I lost my wallet on the flight home. It has my passport in it, the one I just rushed to get replaced. (That’s two lost this year, great!) It had my Nigerian visa in it, which I’ll have to get replaced if I ever want to go back. My driver’s license, my debit cards.

I lose things. No matter how much I work on not being the kind of person who loses things, I still lose things. I yell at myself for losing things. I call myself names I would never call a friend for being, as my Paraguayan host mom called me, descuidada. Worst of all, losing things is expensive.

Wait, let me try to be nice to myself about this.

Reasons it’s not that big of a deal:

  • I can’t remember a time in adult life I’ve lost my entire wallet.
  • I’ve made places, hooks and drawers, at home, where my wallet and keys go so I don’t lose them.
  • Being someone who loses things feels like the opposite side of the coin of creativity. My mind is all over the place, for better or for worse.

So mom had to loan me $100, just like the money I’m supposed to be living on per week anyway.

Interesting tip: If you lose your wallet on a flight somewhere, you can still fly home. TSA just has to interview you, apparently. Weird!

Not having my ID, passport, or debit cards makes me feel so vulnerable. I’m glad I’m with my mommy!

Weekly check-in:

Personal Checking Balance: $187

Business Checking Balance: $616

Discretionary spending this week: $100 about, but it was messed up in the fog of cash. Lots of eating out and Starbucks, though I got treated by mom a bit.

Fuck Off Fund Level: $2,044 (More like a Please Reconsider Your Actions Fund)

Weekly wins: I cooked the Thanksgiving meal for my family

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Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding

Paulette Perhach has been published at The New York Times, Elle, Marie Claire, and Cosmo.