Money Lessons on the Plane to Nigeria

Monthly Money Check-in: November 2017

Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding
4 min readNov 8, 2017


That’s definitely a title I didn’t think I’d have last month. I was invited on a “free” trip, which has so far cost me $647. (I’m tracking it using tags on Almost all of that cost was my expedited visa, which still didn’t come in time, so my flight had to be moved back. Now I’m going for literally like four days, which is why I’m calling it #nigerianpopin2017.

Good news for this month:

I made more than I spent!

Holy shit. The Australia payment finally came through.

The problem is that as soon as I have money, I just go back to what feels “normal” for me. Normal is grabbing a latte when I want one, doing lunch out every now and then, and succumbing to that 3 p.m. Sugar Bakery wakeup.

Then suddenly I’ve spent $500 in discretionary spending a week. That’s another tag I’m using on Mint. But it’s hard to decide what discretionary spending is. Should I have a different label for my monthly Spotify account, as opposed to that random taco truck run?

I was honest about what I could afford!

One of my danger zones is Solstice, the cafe right out my back door, where my friend Ryan and I like to go and work. For example, I spent $71 there in the last two weeks, over 6 visits. So it costs me a little more than $10 every time I walk in the door.

Which is not insane. I want to be able to go to Solstice to work, which is why I’m trying to up my income. But I asked Ryan if, while we’re both struggling, we could move work parties to his house. That will be half the price, if anything. We might grab beers at the store or something.

“I like to be around people when I work,” he said. Me too! But I have to keep nudging my spending down down down until my income goes up up up.

I did that thing I said I was going to do!

I got out of my storage unit. I asked my landlord if they had extra space, and he gave me this huge boiler room/murder den/’90s time capsule to use. So that’s a $91 monthly bill off the books. Yay.

What’s else is up this month?

My book is finally, almost, really done. I realized I’m making .12 a word on it. My top client pays $1 a word, and I probably wouldn’t take work for less than .50 per word. But, as my friend says, a book is like 10,000 points on your resume.

I feel like if I just hang in there, things are going to get better. If you look at the money investment this year, things are not good. But I’ve invested in my career, my businesses, and my work, and I think things are going to pay off.

Money Check-In

  1. How I’m feeling about money this month: Pretty ok, but just because I got a lot of money in this month I don’t feel comfortable in a steady flow of earning>spending
  2. Checking account over $500: Technically no, but I have $600 in cash on me for traveling.
  3. Biggest expense this month: Ill-advised trip to Nigeria
  4. Expected to save this month: $0.
  5. Did save this month: $0 But! Next month I’m going start putting 10% away from each payment
  6. Saved at least 10% of income: Nope
  7. Made a budget for next month and reviewed my bank statement? Yes!
  8. Donated to the Fuck This Fund: Yes. I bought someone on the street biscuits and gravy, randomly.
  9. Best thing I did for my money last month: Got out of my storage unit!
  10. Most important money task for next month: Get back on the savings train.

I feel better.

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Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding

Paulette Perhach has been published at The New York Times, Elle, Marie Claire, and Cosmo.