Spending Feels Like Freedom to Me

Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2017

I have a lot of money in my bank account. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll soon turn it into a negative balance. That is my number one talent.

My online course had a good month (1,450!) and then I got the final payment from my book, 1/4th of the total of what I got to write 75,000 words. $1,300 has never looked like so little money.

But there it sits, $3,000. Sweet freedom. To go to the cafe, to get sushi, to meet a friend out for a drink. In the land of four digits, I prance around time, feeling my sweet freedom to just spend some money. An Amazon order with new tupperware bins.

Thinking about those new Converse. And, oh yeah, Christmas. Double Christmas for some family members I never bought birthday presents for this year, because I was too broke when it all rolled around.

I love to spend all this money. It feels so fun, it feels so free, to just get whatever I want. The key, I think, will be to be able to put the brakes on when I have money in my account, and not just when I have to.

Weekly check-in:

Personal Checking Balance: $200

Business Checking Balance: $2,400

Discretionary spending this week: $271

Fuck Off Fund Level: $2,044 (More like a Please Reconsider Your Actions Fund)

Weekly wins: I got paid and it feels fucking good.

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Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding

Paulette Perhach has been published at The New York Times, Elle, Marie Claire, and Cosmo.