“We Want To Do Whatever the Fuck We Want to Do”

Monthly Money Check-in: December 2017

Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding
3 min readDec 7, 2017


Back home for Thanksgiving, I asked my sister what she thought our problem, our family problem, is with money.

She didn’t even need time to think. “We want to do whatever the fuck we want to do,” she said.

And there you have it.

This is, perhaps, my biggest issue. To be both the person I’m trying to keep in a financial enclosure and the one holding the key to that enclosure. When I should not get something, but I want it, and there’s no one to stop me from getting it, I’m supposed to be the one stopping me from getting it.

There’s some impulse that just doesn’t care about the plan in the microsecond that I place my order. Everything goes out the window.

Luckily, last month I was in some controlled situations in which I just didn’t have to spend too much, aka Nigeria, then my mom’s house.

At mom’s, I asked my 14-year-old nephew if he thought he was bad with money. He said yes, and when I asked why he said, “Because when I have it, I just want to spend it.”

He has the genes.

A good example is me at the cafe near my house. I just want to get a lunch there, and I do. It doesn’t seem like a big deal until weeks later, when I’m out of money, and I know it’s these little behaviors, these tiny tantrums, that put me in that place.

To the graphs!

I both earned and spent very little money this money. Look at how wildly that varied, in both categories, almost $4,000 from the last month!

Money Check-In

  1. How I’m feeling about money this month: Comfortable.
  2. Checking account over $500: Yes!
  3. Biggest expense this month: Trip to Nigera
  4. Expected to save this month: $0.
  5. Did save this month: $0
  6. Saved at least 10% of income: Nope
  7. Made a budget for next month and reviewed my bank statement? Yes!
  8. Donated to the Fuck This Fund: Donated $25 to Tara Brach
  9. Best thing I did for my money last month: Decided to relaunch the money blog with big things for 2018!
  10. Most important money task for next month: Get back on the savings train.

I feel better.

Join us on the Facebook group Fuck Off Funders if you need to make your own money confessions or get support.



Paulette Perhach
Fuck Off Funding

Paulette Perhach has been published at The New York Times, Elle, Marie Claire, and Cosmo.