DEJA VU, Tony Scott 2006

Audiovisual, cinematic experience par excellance

fuck you real film
Fuck You Real Film


If you have a chance to, please watch DEJA VU on a big screen with a good sound system, as loud as possible. You´ll have a audiovisual experience close to the idea described by Wagner as a „Gesamtkunstwerk“. The interplay of moving images, sound, music, rhythm, editing, set design, performances etc. is just stunning seen through my eyes, especially because it´s not put together in some difficult arty-farty, somehow arrogant fashion, but as an entertaining thriller.

It´s not an auteurist but a collective work and I think you can feel that everybody from the story development to the sound design department was free to add their own independent voice to the film. Sometimes this causes chaotic diffusion but here everybody seemed to be driven by the same idea, and this idea is as original as truthful: It had a philosophical, political, emotional and spiritual depth in it, kept my mind spinning on several levels and touched me. Despite some few annoying minutes the tension is kept up constantly. DEJA VU is a worth a second, third and forth look. Masterpiece.

