NINJA, Isaac Florentine 2009

Stupid action entertainment turning your brains off

fuck you real film
Fuck You Real Film


Here´s the recipe to get something like NINJA: Take kind of good looking actors seemingly without any acting skills, let them play unbelievable parts in a unbelievable narration full of dull dialogue, add some straightforwardly choreographed fight sequences, film it in well composed, often moving shots and give the material to an editor who understands something about rhythm, to a colorist who seen through my eyes was the most talented man working on this thing, and to a composer who makes overly dramatic, cliché film scores.

NINJA is stupid action entertainment turning your brain off and — if you´re lucky — putting you asleep. Some say that one needs that every now and then. I doubt that. It´s like business as usual porn sex: delivering what experience says people turn on; hard work, executed with no feelings.

