Horror Hot Takes

My Top 5 Most Controversial Horror Opinions

Ashley Hawley
Fueled by Nightmares


Billy puppet from the Saw movies riding on a tricycle.
Photo by Jose Francisco Morales on Unsplash

As a life-long horror fan, it is only inevitable that I occasionally find myself on the opposite side of arguments regarding what is considered “good” and “bad” horror. In the age of social media, everyone has an opinion, everyone has access to expressing said opinion, and everyone has the ability to tell you that your opinion is wrong.

The horror community is no different; I have seen gatekeeping, purist ideologies, and genuine fights break out because one horror fan’s opinion did not fit with what is considered to be the “norm.”

I for one have always loved horror for being, in essence, a place for the outcast. Horror is where the black sheep, the “weird one,” and the oddball can come together over one shared passion. The fact that in-fighting exists at all in this community points to a much deeper societal issue, most likely attributable to social media (I might dedicate an entire article to this topic at a later date!).

No one is going to agree on everything 100% of the time, but it is truly comical to me to witness the pure rage that engulfs certain individuals when they hear someone spout a “hot take” that does not align with their thoughts and feelings.

With that being said (and because I am a glutton for punishment who loves stirring



Ashley Hawley
Fueled by Nightmares

Writer & soon-to-be published author, avid horror fan, & recovering perfectionist. Currently editing my first novella in between a 9-5 & navigating life.