Discover One Amazing Creator Everyday #Creator07

Anshu Shandilya
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2021
Discover One Amazing Creator Everyday Kiwismedia

Welcome Readers,

Today’s story about a guy who helps individuals in building an internet audience, a guy who helps brands build online communities.

Aadit is currently studying mechanical engineering from University College London(UCL) in business finance which is a mixture of engineering and accounting, finance modules. Besides, he writes about growth, self-improvement, mental clarity.

Q. What’s that one thing you want to achieve in 2021?

A. I have aimed to reach 10k followers on Twitter. And, start a podcast where I interview a combination of established and up and coming creators. This would be my way of giving back to help newer creators get a head start.

Q. What’s that one thing you are most curious about?

A. I’m the type of person that is curious about different different things as time goes. Currently, I’m really curious about cryptocurrency and the whole NFT scene. I find myself researching quite a bit on that.

I’m also curious about the stories of creators. So being an active member of the Twitter community, I am curious to discover people’s backgrounds and learn from the insights and mistakes. Which is why I love what you’re doing.

Q. Why did you choose to become a creator? How do you see yourself differently than the rest?

A. I’m still on the journey to be called a proper creator. At this point, I just share my ideas and things I have learnt along the way of building an audience. But if you were to ask me why did I start sharing my content and ideas online — it was just because I saw so many of my favourite creators do it. @AliAbdaal, @mattdavella etc. As I went on, it was more enjoyable than anything I’ve done. So I continued :)

Q. What’s the one mistake you have done, and will you advise others not repeating that?

A. I see many people making this mistake, so I want to emphasize this. I see a lot of people focusing on numbers. Yes, numbers are a signal showing what you’re doing right and wrong. Earlier I said one of my goals for 2021 is to reach 10k. I think that’s fine. But I would definitely prioritize making friends.

The network that I have built (and building) is more important than the numbers. In short: numbers show if you’re in the right direction. But friends come first.

Prioritise building relationships. Numbers will follow.

Q. Which book you are reading these days? Which Genre excites you the most?

A. Reading Zero to One by Peter Thiel right now.

I find myself listening to more podcasts though. About entrepreneurship and creators’ journey. Sometimes happiness and fulfillment too :)

Q. What do you love to do when not working? Any hobbies you want to share?

A. I love sports. I’ll play anything because I love healthy competition. Football, cricket, badminton, table tennis, running whatever you say. I love sports and it helps me regenerate.

And walks are a relatively recent positive habit of mine that I have been implementing. It has been great!

Q. Which book/concept has influenced you the most in how you live your life?

A. This is a thread. How to get rich without getting lucky. I think it was one of my first encounters with ideas that encouraged me to think long term rather than giving short term desires priority. Everything followed after @naval introduced me to this set of concepts.

Q. What problem you are planning to solve next?

A. There are tons of creators that don’t even know that they have valuable information that the world is willing to learn about. They can share that information and experience for free or even monetize — whatever they like. I’d like to inspire people to do this and help people realize how valuable their experience is.

Q. Suppose there is a big whiteboard in front of you. What’s the first line you would like to write?

A. “Success has more to do with daily habits than anything. Little and often. That’s the key 🔑”


Insightful Tweets by Aadit

Twitter Threads by Aadit

Blogs by Aadit

  1. How To Manage Projects and Still Have A Social Life?
  2. Tips On Cold-Emailing
  3. Finding Peace Within

Projects by Aadit

  1. Aadit’s Twitter Swipe File
Aadit’s Twitter Swipe File

2. Aadit’s Newsletter

Aadit’s Newsletter

Connect with Aadit on Twitter

Thanks for reading.

If you know anyone whose story must be shared like Aadit, let me know


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