Discover One Amazing Creator Everyday #Creator33

Anshu Shandilya
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2021


Creator Story |

Did you ever quit solving a problem only because you didn’t get technological support?

Let’s meet the girl who inspire us to solve problems without worrying about writing code.

Today’s story about a creator who is a no-code lover. A passionate maker who loves shipping tiny projects. A builder who is inspiring millions of individuals to solve problems without worrying about technology.

Madhuri is currently building nocolo(A place for makers like you, to build, launch and validate your business ideas in no-time with no-code & design) and Xperian(A Community, Learning & Products you need to make better products).

Fun fact: She has shipped 30+ no-code projects in last 2 years

Q. How your journey as a creator started?
My personal journey started with putting out podcasts and content for Hireworthy Podcast. The podcast helped me build Xperian’s content wing, and I figured out multiple ways to automate my content work. From then my journey of creating products and content began.

Q. What’s the first-ever thing you have built or created?
Personally, the first ever product I built using No-Code was, a not for profit job board for design + product folks of India to get curated jobs in every month. The job board still attracts 2k visitors per week. It originally started out as a newsletter, and then we launched out a website to streamline the efforts.

Q. What’s that one thing you want to achieve in 2021?
Build a community product for Maker’s Guild, our community and some amazing new product and cohorts from Xperian. Can’t wait to reveal them to everyone 😉

Q. What’s that one thing you are most curious about?
Currently, curious about problem-solving, decision-making and running a tight ship with experimentation with No-Code.

Q. What’s the one mistake you have done and will advise others not to repeat that?
Create content while you create your main products/courses, it’ll provide distribution of your work. If there is enough proof of work, there will be better understanding of what you offer.

Q. Which book you are reading these days? Which Genre excites you the most?
Currently, reading, Hyper Learning by Edward Hess. And, Currently, liking books under the categories of Strategy, Anthropology, Pop Psychology, etc.

Q. What do you love to do when not working? Any hobbies you want to share?
Currently, I walk a lot and play badminton in my free time. I am learning how to brew a great cold brew cup of coffee now! It is more of a science.

Q. What’s something you learned/realized recently that you wish you learned/realized much earlier?
The power of tiny products. Launch tiny things that help move the main vision forward.

Q. Can you tell a bit about “Nocoloco”?
Nocoloco, stands for No Code Low Code. Nocoloco started out to help the Indian and Asian Ecosystem to learn and get started with No-Code. We have been using No-code for the past 5 years with platforms like Webflow, Squarespace, etc. We built our first ever website on Webflow, which still exists at

Nocoloco started out as a name of the talk given by Karthi, my co-founder at Xperian. She gave this talk about Nocode at a Google Developer Group Conference in 2019. Just as nocode movement was picking up, putting out products using no-code was a boon to us bootstrapped teams.

Thanks to No-Code, we were supercharged and launched out many products of Xperian without writing a single piece of code. That’s when we launched fully out as an Initiative of Xperian just for No-Code.

Q. What would you recommend to others who are looking to start their careers in the startup/SaaS space on how to go about it?
This method works for both people looking for careers in Startups or starting out on your own!

Don’t start with books or courses. Start with ideas, build a value proposition and execute them with No-Code & Monetize it. Ship consistently for 100 days, and ask yourself would you do this for the next 30 years. If your answer is yes, then take up deeper concepts of learning about product world.

You will discover aspects of yourself, you would have never known, and the time box will help.

Q. Suppose there is a big whiteboard in front of you. What’s the first line you would like to write?
Give yourself permission to fail.

Creator Story |


A place for makers like you, to build, launch and validate your business ideas in no-time with no-code & design.

Creator Story |


A Community, Learning & Products you need to make better products

Creator Story |

Connect with Madhuri on Twitter

Thanks for reading.

If you know anyone whose story must be shared like Madhuri, let me know,

Fueler is a platform that helps individuals in showcasing their proof of work. A platform where aspiring individuals get inspired by discovering inspiring individuals and their best works.

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