Discover One Amazing Creator Everyday #Creator40

Anshu Shandilya
Published in
6 min readJul 21, 2021
Creator Story |

Hello Friends,

Today’s creator is a hardcore hustler, who choose to define his own path to discover the unknown world. An inspiring marketer who keeps working hard to help brands grow.

Discover the story of this amazing creator 😇👇

Q. As you were currently focusing on building your own marketing agency, helping brands grow, curious to know how your journey as a creator started?

A. Well, I dropped out from Mechanical Engineering during my final year because that’s the year I figured I just couldn’t take it anymore.

Wanted to get into Marketing so badly and so had to recoup a lot of courage to take that bold step and just followed my heart, although I had to face my entire family, but never looked back.

Since then, I’ve worked with multiple start-ups such as Career Shuttle and Million Dreams as a Marketing Executive and have also done multiple side projects (national + international) on Copywriting & SEO.

Currently, I’m currently in the process of incorporating my e-commerce agency that goes by the name “Ibrah Launch” where we launch e-commerce websites for brands & start-ups and handle the media buying. We’ve also managed to acquire an inbound lead that we ended up converting a week back. It goes by the name one “One Stop” and is one of India’s biggest retail players that recently made the transition to e-commerce.

In the near future, we’ll be looking at acquiring some international e-commerce brands and make a high impact. This is how it all started.

Q. What’s the first-ever thing you have built or created?

A. Ibrah Launch(my e-commerce agency where we launch e-commerce websites for brands & start-ups and handle the media buying) is my first product.

Q. What’s that one thing you want to achieve in 2021?

A. I’ve been in my hometown, Mangalore, all my life. And moving to Bangalore has been long due on my list.

That’s one goal I definitely plan on achieving. Would be fun to build a solid team slow and steadily over the years and build some problem-solving products.

Q. What’s that one thing you are most curious about?

A. Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. It’s complex, but fascinating.

Q. What’s the one mistake you have done and will advice others not to repeat that?

A. I’ll mention 2 instead:

  1. I thought I needed a degree to get a job and to eventually gain respect because that’s how we’re conditioned to believe which isn’t true at all.
  2. Initially, when I got into Marketing, I was just running behind courses and barely implementing anything because I didn’t have the money to buy hosting etc. I strongly recommend people to connect with people on places like Twitter/LinkedIn and find an internship opportunity. Focus more on practical learnings.

Q. What do you think about an unpaid internship? Would you suggest individuals to go for it?

A. Most people wouldn’t recommend enrolling in unpaid internships, but my views are slightly in contrast to that.

If you had 2 options to choose after learning basics of let’s say Facebook Ads:

  1. Advanced Facebook ads course
  2. Internship to run Facebook ads for a small brand for free

I highly recommend the second one.


No courses can teach you what you could essentially learn while implementing. That’s priceless. Sure, getting stipends would be nice, but don’t waste months chasing after paid internships.

Focus on building your skills and your portfolio, and you’ll eventually get paid well.

P.S: From my experience, I could tell, even if it’s an unpaid internship and if you do your job well, they do end up paying you sometimes, or you could just request them to. But don’t have expectations if it’s an unpaid internship.

Q. Which book you are reading these days?

A. Will finish reading 1-Page Marketing Plan tomorrow and move on to Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

Q. What do you love to do when not working? Any hobbies you want to share?

A. Go for a walk, tune in to a podcast, read books, write journals, play football, watch movies/series that teaches me something and most importantly, talk to interesting people that I have either something to learn from/teach.

Q. Can you name three marketing people on Twitter that inspire you?

A. Must follow these inspiring individuals,

  1. Jeremy Moser
  2. Blake Emal
  3. Alex Garcia

Q. Which brands marketing campaign inspire you?

A. I think I may have 4 personal favourites:

  1. Apple’s campaign
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2. Durex’s Father’s day campaign

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3. Malboro’s one of the very early campaigns. They used a cowboy in their television campaign who was built and that made people feel like they were him when they’d smole Malboro Cigarettes, which entirely took the brand to whole a different level.

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4. Starbucks wrong names

They intentionally would write the names of the consumers wrongly and that led to huge social media shares of their cups. For free.

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Q. What would you suggest someone who is looking to start their career in marketing?

A. 1. Knowing and not doing is the same as not knowing.

Most people just keep learning in Marketing and never implement.

When you learn something, please implement and experiment.

2. Failing is good.

In Marketing, you’ll fail a lot of times. Keep optimizing and iterating.

3. Be extremely tenacious.

Things can be overwhelming at times, especially when you feel burnt out, and that’s when you take a break. You don’t quit.

4. Nobody knows everything.

We’re all literally figuring it out. So stop comparing and focus on yourself.

5. Don’t do what everyone’s doing.

Do things that are a little crazy. That’s how you grab attention.

6. Copywriting and Storytelling skills are what will make you a great Marketer in my opinion.

7. Focus on changing lives, not chasing certificates.

Q. Can you name three books every aspiring marketer should read?

A. Sure, here are few of the amazing one

  1. This is Marketing by Seth Godin
  2. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Jack Trout & Ai Ries
  3. Influence by Robert B. Cialdini

Q. Suppose there is a big whiteboard in front of you. What’s the first line you would like to write?

A. “Plan for the day”

While people plan for coming years, most people get caught up in the future. The marketing space is brutal. Everything keeps changing. I just have a roadmap for whatever is it that I want to achieve, and I take it one day at a time!

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Q. Would you like to nominate someone for next Creator Story?

A. Sure. I’ll promote @MakadiaHarsh

Connect with Ibrahim on Twitter

Thanks for reading.

If you know anyone whose story must be shared like Ibrahim, let me know,

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