Discover One Amazing Creator Everyday #Creator53

Anshu Shandilya
Published in
5 min readOct 2, 2021


How you would react, when you met someone crazier than you, a person who hustle hard to do amazing things?

Today’s creator is someone is an amazing person you will ever get to discover through his creator journey and the work he has been doing.

Let’s discover the journey of CeeJay and what are the crazy things he has been doing 👇

Q. As you are currently building different side projects under the casino challenge, curious to know how your journey as a creator started?

A. I’ll start from the beginning. Once upon a time, about 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth was an unformed doughnut of molten rock…

I mean once upon a time I decided to become a web developer and started to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript from scratch. Had I known, I would have done this in public, but back in the day in 2017, it was not a thing really.

So after a year or so of hiding from friends, skipping parties, being ridiculously sober and isolating myself from the world I finally became an employed web dev.

Then sadly my grandma has passed away. As her grandson and web dev, it was my call to save memories about her. That’s how a web memorial project was born. I cooperated with my friend, who is a brilliant designer and we began to work. At some point along this way, we also started to take other gigs and help people to design stuff. That’s how we ended up as a design agency.

Q. What’s the one thing you want to achieve in 2021?

A. World fame and extreme wealth would suffice me I guess, but to grow a Twitter account sounds nice too.

As for my project slash business, I really want to help others who want to preserve memories about their loved ones and start to build memorial websites for them too.

Q. Is there anything unexpected or surprising you learnt as a creator?

A. What if I tell you that you can make money working for free? This is exactly what a good old giveaway is about. I randomly picked a follower and made a logo design for him.

Sure my agency was working for free for a couple of days. However in the end it all paid off when we got a massive shout out and a couple of clients who reached me asking for a logo. So yeah, work for free, it’s totally worth it 😉

Q. What’s the one mistake you have done and will advice others not to repeat that?

A. So many it’s really hard to choose. My entire journey is simply going from one mistake to the next. But the biggest one is of cause procrastination. That’s why I came up with #FailCasinoChallenge.

You bet money on showing up and doing things for business daily. It really works. So far I’m pretty consistent and haven’t skipped a single day. It’s all unicorns and rainbows, but when real money is on stake it gets serious. Even the laziest butts start to move 😆

Q. Can you tell a bit about #FailCasinoChallenge?

A. Basically it works like that. I have a to-do list with two things only: build my project and tweet daily about my accomplishments. That’s it. Sounds easy, but if I fail to get this to-do list done, I pay 40$ to one follower whom I randomly pick. It’s a radical and expensive way to stay accountable, but don’t underestimate how lazy I am. These measures are necessary.

Q. Which book you are reading these days?

A. I don’t have much time to read really and my attention span is shorter than of a bald man’s hair. Sorry, what was the question? No, seriously.

The last time I read something from cover to cover was about a year ago. It was Remarque with his “Three comrades”. Haven’t read a paper book in a while. So I was trying to rotate it to switch to landscape mode 😆

Q. What do you do, when you are not working?

A. Not working? Is it even possible?

Well, when I’m off I usually do just normal Russian things like hanging out with friends, drinking vodka and having a fight with a bear. I also have a long term hobby since my school years — instrumental hip-hop production. You can check it here.

Q. Can you name three Creators on Twitter that inspire you most?

A. Like many other makers I was heavily inspired by Arvid Kahl (@arvidkahl) he is the reason I do what I do in public, then it’s Pieter Levels (@levelsio) who is a god of digital nomads and of cause Daniel Sage (@dan_copy) and his invaluable marketing tips.

Q. Where can one go to find more about you?

A. The best place to learn about me and my journey is on Twitter @cjaythecreator where I post about my daily maker’s life. You can give me a follow and earn a decent living by getting money every time I fail to build in public 😆

Q. What would you recommend to others who are looking to start their careers in the startup/SaaS space on how to go about it?

A. Just take the plunge and go for it! I’m a firm believer that anyone can be an entrepreneur regardless of circumstances or personal traits. Trust me you can do it! You are more than enough to start a business.

Damn, I sound like one of those life coaches I hate. Don’t forget to buy my new book “Get Rich Even Before You Finish This Title”.

Q. Suppose there is a big whiteboard in front of you. What’s the first line you would like to write?

A. I am a programmer and will always associate a whiteboard with job interviews. So the first line would be something in JavaScript I suppose. Something like: console.log(“html is a programming language”). Don’t think I’m going to get this job 😆

Memorial websites

A personal websites dedicated to our relatives or loved ones who passed away.

Connect with CeeJay on Twitter

Thanks for reading.

If you know anyone whose story must be shared like CeeJay, let me know,

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