Do you have these 8 skills on your portfolio to stand out from the crowd?

Skills that helps you in getting into any job you want

Anshu Shandilya
3 min readMar 10, 2021


Captured By: Ben White Kiwismedia
Captured By: Ben White

There are skills that helps you in performing your job. But there are skills that is not only to get into one job, but you crack any job you want or dream. We call them life skill or soft skills.

These are the skills that can be transferred from one job role to another. Whether you are an interior designer or an app developer these are the skills that you gonna need at any short of job.

You don’t need to take a course or hire a tutor to master at these skills. Some people born with these skills and some people become better at them by themselves.

The Simplest way to identify what are the skills you have and what are the skills you need to work on is make a list of things you do in your daily life and identify what are skills you are already involved in and what not. E.g. If your hobbies is to write, then you must be thinking creatively, if your hobbies is to play cricket, then you must be collaborating.

After identifying, you must come up with skills that you need to work or improve. To improve you can find hobbies or things that will help you in practicing and building those skills.

1️⃣ Communication Skill
Every aspect of a company is dependent upon its employees internal communication. Any job you get into, having strong grasp on your communication can become boost your growth rate.

2️⃣ Management Skill
When you join a company, you get to assign particular roles and responsibilities. And, to perform well in the organization, you have to have management skill.

3️⃣ Being Accountable

It is one of the most underrated skill in current market. If someone expects you to do something, and you respect that person, there is a good chance that you will complete the assigned task.

4️⃣ Collaborative

Whenever you join an organization, you get to work with a certain group of people and that’s when your skill of being collaborative comes in role. Being collaborative means having ability to think one situation with multiple perspective along with managing priority.

5️⃣ Willingness to learn

We are living in the age of industry 4.0 which means, technology is changing, being updated every moment at fast pace. If you will not be willing to adopt the changes, there will be a high chance of getting rejected from the organization.
6️⃣ Problem-Solving

Having problem-solving skill doesn’t demand to solve the whole problem and deliver it to higher authority. It demands from an individual that he/she hold the ability of finding solution, ability to approach the problem.

If you find the right approach to solve the problem, there is a higher chance that you will come up with a solution by collaborating with the team.

7️⃣ Ability to think Creatively

Thinking creatively means, an ability to come up with different perspective. Having skill to think creatively helps the individual in contributing in the organization’s growth differently than the crowd.

You must be asking, but I am not a painter or musician. It’s not my piece of cake. See, thinking creatively is everyone’s piece of cake, it’s just we never try to use that part of brain because it takes more effort than usual to develop the ability to think creatively.

Creativity is a muscle you develop.

8️⃣ Resilience

Being resilient means, an ability to deal with the difficulties and come back to normal life. Having resilient skill helps you in maintaining a positive posture while managing stress effectively.

These skills not only helps you to get into a better job but also to live a better life.

Thank you :)



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