COVinspiration for the World

Varsha Krishnani
Fuerteventura Times
3 min readMay 11, 2020

Post COVID19 : Understanding, Transformation, Courage

With the constant overflow of fearful “Breaking News” and unavoidable information excess during the Coronavirus global lockdowns, at Fuerteventura Times, we have consciously chosen understanding over fear, inspiration over uncertainty.

When things suddenly change at this scale, there can be two ways of perceiving information. One way is ‘reaction,’ and the other is ‘transformation.’ Transformation- or better- “social transformation” can only occur when there is understanding. Understanding can only happen when there is the courage to see beyond the fear of the unknown.

As a founding team, starting a magazine during a global health and economic crisis, it has been epiphanic to learn that focusing on progress and evolution is inevitable when faced with a grand social pause. It is inevitable because supporting and recreating the good in society is indeed, a part of basic humanness, almost a nourishment of “self-purpose” in the realization of a larger good.

At Fuerteventura Times, it is our collective decision to stick to the philosophy of focusing on the better than fuel to the fear. Fuerteventura Times is created with the mission to break fears, challenge stereotypes, question uncertainties, and make way for real strength through wisdom and pure inspiration.

With the transitioning times that our planet is currently facing, we aim to bring forward relevant news and inspiration that fuel genuine hope to our readers, viewers, and listeners. Our content provides tools and perspectives to help evolve from this phase with a solid resolve and collective strength. This month we bring you a special feature called “COVinspiration”- where we highlight uplifting stories, inspiring voices, and real experiences derived by people around the world, during and after the Covid19 lockdown.

Lockdown Companion is available on iTunes, Spotify, Google and other major podcast platforms

One of them is a special podcast, “Lockdown Companion,” where one of our founding members, Maria Meisl, speaks to various nationalities locked down in different parts of the world. From Fuerteventura to Barcelona, USA to Austria, Germany to France, Romania to the Netherlands talking about their transformations, understandings, and inspirations derived during this period. Listen to the introduction and join this daily journey of sharing hopes and learnings from the exchange of social expression and experience.

We also have a very special ode to love this season. With so many people locked down, love has had its own experiences of discovery and losses during the covid19 lockdowns. A diverse polymath- the sound artist and art curator Akanksha Krishnani in association with Fuerteventura Times brings you “Love in The Times of A Pandemic”- a musical narration of love stories in quarantine.

You can have early access to the episodes, by supporting us by click here.

We also have tools, perspectives and in-depth opinions across Business, Artistry, Technology and Consciousness.

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Varsha Krishnani
Fuerteventura Times

I write about sociocultural issues and ways we can make this world a better place through innovation of the self and society.