4x5 Photography: A Journey Back to Film

My first experience with large-format photography

Marjan Krebelj
Full Frame


The author behind his Intrepid 4x5. Photo by author.

This was one of those impulsive purchases during the Covid era — more an expression of yearning for better times than a real need. Only now, more than two years later, has it found its place in my creative life.

After reviewing a ton of Linhof Technikas on eBay, I decided to go for a new camera instead, especially after discovering Intrepid Camera, a British start-up that produces fantastic entry-level large-format cameras. I still had to resort to eBay for film holders and a Nikkor 150mm f/5.6 lens.
So why do this in the age of digital photography? There are probably as many answers as there are 4x5 camera lovers, but for me, it was simply an itch I had to scratch. I had been intrigued by the look of large-format photos for a long time and simply had to try it myself. After many years of admiring these photos in galleries and even gazing at cameras in museums and thrift shops, there was no other way out.

There are objective reasons too, but one has to look into the history of such photography. Large-format cameras, especially the 4x5 format, hold a special place in the history of photography.

A Historical Overview

