52 Week Photography Project — April

My heart is still in San Francisco

Jesse R. Barker
Full Frame


All photos by author

April has been a time of recovery from international travel, which seems to take longer as I get older. Disrupted sleep cycles and separation from family combine for groggy days and introspection.

The responses for this month mirror my state of mind. They are photographs of family and homeland that capture fleeting moments with those I love while reminding me of the realities of a land that was once home.

Only one photo this month comes from my current home. Taken during a walk along the quay on a cold gray day. It captures my melancholy mood and lack of sleep.

This Country

After living in Europe for over 7 years, returning to America always requires a change in my mindset. Unending beauty and remarkable engineering achievements define America, yet it is tarnished by a never-ending stretch of common absurdity.

Exhibit A is the Golden Gate Bridge. A breathtaking sight. Stretching across the entrance of the San Francisco Bay, twin towers dominate the view from every vantage point in the bay area.

You can get up close and personal to the northern tower from Battery Spencer, a Civil War era gun emplacement set to protect the approaches into the bay. You stand 500 feet above the…



Jesse R. Barker
Full Frame

Retired these days but still working to improve myself. An avid photographer I am always learning to look at the world in new ways while telling a good story.