52 Week Photography Project — March 2024

Sailboats on lines, a misplaced trolly, mystery birds and one happy kid

Jesse R. Barker
Full Frame


All photos by author

This month, my goal was to create challenge responses in real time rather than search files for photos to meet the challenge. I succeeded in three out of four prompts.

My palate was the sea side town of Santa Cruz, California. This is my son’s hometown and a place I visit once or twice a year to see the kids.

Boats in the harbor lead to my response for the first prompt. Birds and beach combined for the second prompt. For the third prompt, I couldn’t find anything, so I used a photo from Poland, taken earlier this year.

The last prompt came easy. Spent several days watching the girls playing softball. The movie title was an obvious choice.

10 — Read Between the Lines

In Santa Cruz, California, where sailing boats outnumber power boats 30 to 1, you can find line after line of sailing craft neatly tucked into floating docks.

Like horses in a stable, they stand, ready for their next venture to sea.

On a calm early spring evening, I find an open gate to the pier. The lines of the ramp lead to a stable full of sailboats.



Jesse R. Barker
Full Frame

Retired these days but still working to improve myself. An avid photographer I am always learning to look at the world in new ways while telling a good story.