52 Week Project — May

Observations of the world around me

Jesse R. Barker
Full Frame


All photos by author

I guess some would call this month’s collection street photos, but for me, they are observations made at the moment taken. Snapshots of the life around me.

Early in the month my wife and I traveled to Greece with her family. An extended stay with the newest granddaughter and a time for reflections on how we come to be.

Last week, walking camera in hand through the small harbor town of Ustka, I saw and captured the simple things that are life in that part of Poland.

I round out with a fun shot from a recent visit back home. A picture that seems to transcend time, at least for me, and reminds me of contentment found in a good BBQ restaurant.


The substance of who we are is built upon our roots. Roots that weave into the fresh soil of our young lives.

Some will say roots are a product of our environment, others think country, culture, or society sets those roots.

I think it is something else.

It is those around us who set our foundations. Our mothers, fathers, grandparents, and others stepping into our young lives to teach and guide us. Those engagements bond to the bare bones of our soul. Our young brains soak up the given knowledge that…



Jesse R. Barker
Full Frame

Retired these days but still working to improve myself. An avid photographer I am always learning to look at the world in new ways while telling a good story.