April Unhurried, A Pretty Look, Wonderful In A World Away

April in Full Frame | A 52 Week Photography Challenge

pockett dessert
Full Frame


april spring buds on trees, sun, blue skies | © pockett dessert, tree of life
© pockett dessert, spring pretty

April is unhurried, slow-moving, soul-soothing.

Forest pretty greens
the earth’s gentle pace,
a gentle reminder to flow with my body’s natural rhythms,
another reason to be grateful
Spring renewal,
tempting me to step outside,
dreaming of wonderful places, half a world away.

close up of cherry tomatoes surrounded by unknown shadows, darkness | © pockett dessert, tomatoes
© pockett dessert, tomatoes

№ 14
this country—like the book, or not

In this country

I plant a tomato garden, following
in the footsteps
my grandparents and parents,
passing their heritage onto my children.



pockett dessert
Full Frame

🧿 writer‿.➶ ° *➴ artist ‿.➶ ° *➴ photographer ‿.➶ ° *➴ certified reiki master | Editor for Write Under the Moon and heart trails pub