Are Women Even Happy?

This Women’s Day, let’s talk about the strength we already possess

Rishabh Saxena
Full Frame
3 min readMar 9, 2024


Photo by Xingchen Yan on Unsplash

The woman I see through the observatory lens isn’t who they think she is. Her movements, draped in a cloak of societal expectation, might seem soft, even meek to most eyes. But beneath the surface, a fire burns. Throughout history, countless women have had a powerful inner fire, a truth captured in countless photographs whispering stories of struggle and resilience.

Society fears this potential for change and tries to hold them back.

© Rishabh Saxena

These women, underestimated at every turn, own a strength forged in the crucible of sacrifice. They fight not only for their own identities but for the well-being of those they love. They are the unwavering pillars of families, the silent anchors in communities. They don’t need awards or fame to be honourable. Their everyday victories are what truly matter.

© Rishabh Saxena

Often, these victories are best captured not in staged studio portraits, but in candid moments — grandmother selling toys while the youth drink their life away, sisters participating in the pooja celebrations selling egg kathi rolls and mutton chops to fund their education. A woman does it all and so much more.

© Rishabh Saxena

But what if this fire, instead of being feared, was harnessed? Imagine a world where the strength of women wasn’t a threat, but a driving force.

© Rishabh Saxena

Where empathy, not dominance, guides our interactions. Our surroundings built by women who value caring for others, working together, and finding solutions, not creating problems.

© Rishabh Saxena
© Rishabh Saxena

This isn’t a utopia — it’s a world waiting to be built. And as I watch this woman, underestimated but unwavering, I see a cornerstone. She may be one, but she represents millions.

© Rishabh Saxena

Millions who, when they finally rise together, will light the way to the future where everyone has the same chances. Where there is an empowered future for all.

© Rishabh Saxena

A world waiting to be captured in photographs that showcase not just the beauty on the surface, but the strength simmering beneath.

Happy Women’s Day?

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Rishabh Saxena
Full Frame

Indian storyteller exploring humanity one click and sentence at a time