Blue Sky Whispers

Petunias Bloom in the Blue Sky

Light and Paper
Full Frame


Photo by the author.

Blue Sky Whispers is a fusion of poetry and photography, telling stories through words and images. Explore the dance between verses and frozen moments, where each frame narrates a story and every verse creates an immersive experience. This collection captures pivotal moments, turning memories into gold and offering liberation from the past and fear of the future. Dive into a new perspective on life’s beauty through the lens and verses.

I have cried a lot
When the sky is cloudy
My intention is
To be outside the house without an umbrella.

I have lived abundantly,
But now my desire is
To, for a moment, from this window,
Fearlessly, carelessly,
Witness the world bathed in cherry blossoms.

These dreams, tumultuous in this room,
Consistently propel me hurriedly out of the house.
Rarely do I glance at the alley from the window
Where wanderers advise each other
That today is enough
To linger in the lane.

