Eight Tell-Tale Signs You’re A Photographer Even If You Don’t Think You Are

See if you can relate to the following statements.

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You might not consider yourself to be a photographer. But did you know that to be a photographer, you don’t actually have to own a large DSLR or get paid to shoot weddings?

Here are eight sure signs that it’s time to turn your back on that imposter syndrome. If any of these are true for you, I’d hedge my bets that there’s a raging photographer inside of you, longing for you to get shooting some photos. Let’s go.

You have dedicated albums for sunsets or pets on your phone.

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Of course, it doesn’t have to be sunsets or pets, it could be anything. The point is that you are naturally creating spaces to fill with your photos.

You may not even be purposefully doing this — it might be habitual; maybe it just makes sense in your mind to do this.

But just take a step back and realize what you’re doing. You’re building albums of images that you’re proud of, and which you want to share with others.

