Finding Beauty in Decay

If you look closely you’ll find it there

kasey sparks
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caged and decaying leaves | author’s photo

In between the bright and glorious hallelujah chorus of autumn and the quiet solitude of a porcelain frosty winter’s day lives a dull droning pause. The world around me droops and decays in tones that I’ve never found attractive —a period where the leaves have lost their luster and have faded into drab hues. It’s a dreary pause where I wait for the winter season to arrive.

And this year the pause has lasted longer than usual.

It’s been a challenging in-between season time because I’m currently on a quest to seek beauty every day. It’s easy to find it in the playful melody of spring’s blooming flowers or the lively strum of summer’s vivid greens. It’s also readily apparent in winter’s first smile-inducing and gently sparkling snowfall.

But beauty seems absent in this extended dull tone of decaying leaves. Beauty remains elusive in all the desaturated colors that currently crowd my world.

Yet I’m not one to give up easy on my quest for beauty so I set out this week to see if I could find it somewhere out there in this pregnant monotone pause. I bundled up as the temperatures had dropped where I live and the dampness from an overnight rain shower was high. I kept my eyes wide as I strolled through my neighborhood to see what sights of…



kasey sparks
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