Fun with Funky Film

Dirk Dittmer
Full Frame
Published in
6 min readJun 10, 2024


A Wheel of Adventure exploring Harman Phoenix 200 color film stock

Food truck (Harman Phoenix 200, image by author)

If you do not depend on photography as your livelihood and subscribe to the notion that ninety percent of all possible picture-perfect frames have already been taken, you become free to experiment and explore the fringes of your craft.

Harman Phoenix ISO 200 is a fringe film.

You may have seen the buzz around new film stock on YouTube. It is heralded as the first new color film since the demise of Kodak. It is made at Illford’s factories in Mobberley, England.

As a digital shooter, you may ask yourself: why bother? Any midlevel digital camera will produce images with higher resolution, lower noise (grain), and superior color accuracy. You cannot sell Phoenix film pictures to Getty Images. You should use Phoenix ISO 200 film because you can. For $14 (plus developing) your old SLR will give you an afternoon of unspoiled fun. I shoot film because of the character, not because of the subject.

Harman Phoenix ISO 200 has color idiosyncrasies that cannot reproduced digitally!

Cherry blossoms close-up (Harman Phoenix 200, image by author)

Take cherry blossom week. The cherry trees bloom every year at the same time…



Dirk Dittmer
Full Frame

I am a traveling geek. Graduated from Princeton and now a Professor at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. I love photography, cats, and R.