Get Published Fast. Three Things That Help

How to avoid common issues

Rodrigo S-C
Full Frame


Patrons at an art galery
Photo by author.

We have grown. This means we have a large number of new contributors to our humble publication. We are grateful for that. Over the past few months, we have noticed some common issues that prevent a story from being published in Full Frame — without delay.

These issues are generally associated with new Framers, those who are not fully familiar with our guidelines and our vision.

This article intends to outline where things go awry most often, and require intervention before publication. We hope that by explaining the issues, and how to prevent them, we will assist you in ensuring that your stories are promptly accepted and published.

1- No previously published stories, please.

We do not accept stories that have already been published. The reason is for your benefit as a writer.

Medium timestamps stories when they are originally published. So, if you send us the story that you published weeks ago, then it will show up on Full Frame under that original date. It will be buried under all the stories that we have published since that date. You, dear Framer, will get very few reads.



Rodrigo S-C
Full Frame

Photographer, art gawker, musician, psychology geek, septuagenarian. You want fries with that?