Less is More — Capturing the Essence of Simplicity

Minimalist Photography

Krishna Goutham N
Full Frame
4 min readFeb 26, 2023


Photo captured by the Author

We live in a world where we are bombarded with information and visual stimuli everywhere. I often see photographs crowded with too many elements, making it hard to grasp the point. Not that I have anything against crowded pictures, but I find it mentally relaxing when a photo speaks and connects with the viewer at first glance.

Minimalist photography does exactly that.

Minimalism, as a philosophical concept, emphasizes simplicity and the elimination of the non-essential. Minimalist photography drives focus onto the subject alone by removing all other noise and distractions. Minimalism can be achieved during the shoot or in post-production.

For example, take a look at this capture.

Photo captured by the author

This photo was taken in the Maldives. I would still categorize this as “minimalism” since it draws our attention to the simplicity of the place. It required minimal post-processing, thanks to the gorgeous blue beaches of the islands.

In contrast, the following photo is a different story.

Photo captured by the Author

This beautiful bird is a Kingfisher and was photographed during a boat safari at the Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary in India. Notice how minimalism was induced in this picture during post-processing. The original photo had a lot of noise that covered up the subject. This picture was processed in Lightroom by darkening everything else apart from the subject, the Kingfisher.

A key element in nailing minimalist photography is the use of negative space. Negative space is the area around the subject that is left intentionally blank, or as minimal as possible, to create a sense of balance, harmony, and simplicity in the image. It draws attention to the subject while simultaneously providing context and breathing room to the composition.

Photo captured by the author

For example, all the white space around the flower pot is negative space. The negative space leads up to the subject, making it appear significant.

Here’s another example, this time with a black background.

Photo captured by the author

Now imagine replacing the subject with a person. If done right, minimalist photography can evoke emotions. I’ve attempted to do so in this photo by inducing negative space during post-production. The subject becomes the star of the show, and the negative space creates a sense of drama and atmosphere.

Photo captured by the author

Negative space plays a crucial role in directing the viewer’s attention to the subject, which is often the focal point of the image. By using negative space, the photographer can create a sense of balance and harmony, which makes the image more pleasing to the eye.

Here’s another example of using negative space and post production.

Photo captured by the author

Minimalist photography is not that hard actually. Whenever you go for a walk next time, look up. The sky can be an excellent prop to build your negative space. All you need is a subject. What better a subject than birds when you consider the sky as your background? Here are some bird shots that still somehow fit into this genre.

Photo captured by the author
Photo captured by the author
Photo captured by the author

The simplicity of minimalist photography is what makes it so intriguing and appealing.

The philosophy of minimalism encourages us to focus on what is essential, to eliminate distractions, and to live a simpler, more intentional life. It teaches us to be more mindful of our surroundings and to appreciate the beauty in everyday objects.

So, next time you frame your shot, see if you can remove any noise and distractions and keep it simple! Remember,

Less is More.

Till next time!

I’m Krishna Goutham, a photography enthusiast and an ardent Batman fan. I have recently started writing here on Medium. I write about the backstory of some of the photographs that I’ve clicked, a few tips and tricks that worked for me (and recently, documenting some experiences). If you liked my content, please do follow me on Medium, Instagram (@ nkgoutham) and let me know what you’d want me to write about next.



Krishna Goutham N
Full Frame

I am an educator by profession, with a passion towards photography and a fanboy of the Batman.