Nature Giggles in Springtime

The earth comes alive with all sorts of merriment

kasey sparks
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mirthful hostas | ©kasey sparks

If summer is a hive of colorful laughter and fall is nature’s last magnificent guffaw before the stillness of winter settles in then spring is a mini giggle. A tiny teaser. A cheerful chuckling prelude to all the joyful merriment to come.

Spring is all about new life. The earth wakes up and buzzes again. All that lay dormant and resting underground now emerges — poking its head up through the barren soil to greet the sun. Newborn buds stretch and grow. Branches that appeared as lifeless grey sticks just the day before now spurt baby leaves.

spurting baby leaves | ©kasey sparks

The window of time between when the chartreuse and lime gleeful hues appear and when they shift to the heartiness of deeper greens is so fleeting. I had to act quickly if I was going to catch these colors. I headed outside right after work one evening last week while there was still enough light and before a predicted rain shower rolled in.

I discovered right away that these tiny buds aren’t the easiest buggers to photograph. The bits of color are so small they seem to get lost amongst the greyness of the branches. I was disappointed…



kasey sparks
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