Not Every Photographer Needs Photoshop


Lauri Novak
Full Frame


Image created in Photoshop — ©Lauri Novak

What? You can’t possibly be serious? Or at a minimum, you can’t possibly be a serious photographer without Photoshop, right? Who says?

Well, certainly not me.

I’m part of a mentoring community that works with members to help them down their creative paths. Part of that journey is declaring an intention, describing what you want to learn or do as a way to get where you want to go in your photographic journey. So many members stated that they want to learn Photoshop or learn more in Photoshop. This prompted me to share my take on the whole “you can’t be a photographer without using Photoshop” narrative. I don’t want people to feel like it’s a requirement for being a photographer.

©Lauri Novak

This photo? It’s me anytime the word Photoshop comes up. UGH. (No offense to you tech geeks, composite creators and masking masters.) I get it. When you are told or it’s suggested to you to use Photoshop, I feel your pain and know that you’re overwhelmed by all the options and the 89 different ways to do one thing in Photoshop.

There is certainly a place and time for using Photoshop, but to be quite honest, it’s not for…



Lauri Novak
Full Frame

Award-winning fine art photographer, mentor, and author. An eye for architecture. Galleries/Tours/Mentoring: