Playing Catch Up

52 Week Photography Project

Diane Nilan
Full Frame
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2024


Hello, January! Be gone! Photo Diane Nilan


Everything Old is New Again

I guess an “old” Christmas carol would qualify on a modern gas pump. In my 58 years of driving, I’ve never seen a gas pump message like this.

gas pump with a message from O come all ye faithful
I don’t know what to say. Photo Diane Nilan

The Circle Game

Being a new North Carolina resident, and a longtime advocate for homeless families, I felt the need to get my bearings at the NC Statehouse. My friend Mary and I circled around their maze of offices. We’ll be back.

In front of the NC State Legislative building
In front of the NC State Legislative building. Photo Diane Nilan


It’s hard to find something soft in January besides snow. But this moss spoke to me one morning.

Close up of green moss on a tree and reddish leaves in the background
January Christmas colors Photo Diane Nilan

Film Noir

January has more dark hours than I’d like. I live in an Airstream trailer, with its iconic aluminum walls and ceiling, and lots of windows. When we got hit with a cold spell, I gave in and pulled my window shades making it really dark, almost spooky. Or cozy.

Inside my Airstream with all the windows covered and one light.
Hunkered down during the winter blast. Photo Diane Nilan

Lie to Me

Taking this category literally, lie to me. My sis’s dog, Keeper, loves to lie in my camper’s doorway, weather permitting. The “me” part just happened.

Dog in the doorway on a mat with the letters me showing.
Home to me. Photo Diane Nilan

That’s January from North Carolina! Assuming I can figure out how to get this posted in the 52 Week Photographic Project, I’ll have a go at February, March and April. Thanks for the test!



Diane Nilan
Full Frame

Founder/pres. HEAR US Inc., gives voice & visibility to homeless families & youth, ran shelters, advocate, filmmaker, author, 20 yrs. on US backroads.