Playing Catch Up 2

52-Week Photography Project

Diane Nilan
Full Frame


February fun in the sun. Photo Diane Nilan

What’s a gal to do during the eclipse? Even Facebook is quiet — except for the nutcases. I love looking back at my pics. All 70k+ of them. Many are just to chronicle where I was as if I needed to prove it in a court of law. But some still make me smile, with pride (on occasion). Thus, I’m joining the 52WPP.

Here’s my February ’24 contribution that reminds me I did a lot of traveling during this winter month.

Letter Late Than Never

reflection of sunrise in my airstream flying cloud window
Flying Cloud for sure! Photo Diane Nilan

Letter perfect, Flying Cloud! The sky makes me feel like I’m in a flying cloud.

Tangled Up in Blue

Full moon with blue branches in front.
Blue Moon. Photo Diane Nilan

Driving along in the rural area outside Manhattan, KS, we stopped to grab some moon shots. The nearby church had some weird parking lot lights that conveyed a blue glow on the trees. Not a perfect shot, but I still like it.

I Call It Art

Squiggly design in a frozen puddle.
Nice ice! Photo Diane Nilan

Arriving after dark at my mechanic’s parking lot in DeKalb, IL, I grabbed the cord for my camper, happy to have a place to plug in on this blustery February night. They sure decorate nicely!

Blank Space

Open space calls to Keeper. Photo Diane Nilan

I can’t get over how thick the trees are in this western North Carolina paradise. Their beauty is apparent in so many different ways. The forest seems to be a blank space, holding many possibilities, especially for a stick-loving dog.

I’m happy to report I survived the rapture! And now I’m only a month behind.



Diane Nilan
Full Frame

Founder/pres. HEAR US Inc., gives voice & visibility to homeless families & youth, ran shelters, advocate, filmmaker, author, 20 yrs. on US backroads.