Proud of My Pics; Pride Month

The 52 Week Photo Challenge for June ‘24

Diane Nilan
Full Frame


A discussion on a city street between 2 people, one holding “love one another” sign and rainbow accessories.
Imagining the possible discussion topic here on this Raleigh, NC street.

The privilege of the photographer is interpretation. June 2024 provides inspiration for my choice of photos for this month’s 52 Week Photo Challenge submission. My intro photo is perfect for Pride Month. I was in Raleigh, NC in February 2017 for a political rally when I came upon this scene. I don’t know what words were being exchanged. But the interaction speaks. (Other than light cropping, these are original images taken by me.)

So much for dignity, a foil blanket crushed and tossed in the trash in front of the US Supreme Court. Photo Diane Nilan


I hate to think that the worst will happen, but our Supreme Court has managed to go down that path more times than I care to list. By the end of this month, they will render their decision on Jackson vs. Grants Pass, the case to determine if communities can outlaw homelessness. I was with hundreds of others in front of the Supreme Court when the Supremes heard the arguments back in April. Maybe those comfortably housed won’t see this as an issue, but for those living on the streets and those who will soon lose their housing, an unenlightened decision will be crushing.

storefront for motor car services, with a jesus cutout and d trump cutout behind jesus
The combination of images, the town name, and the DD car logo all caught my eye. Ordinary? Photo Diane Nilan

Ordinary World

What is ordinary? For some people, it’s an inexplicable combination of religion and a political figure who appeals to some for reasons beyond my comprehension. Driving through this ordinary town in south-central Indiana, I spied this combination — ordinary for its religious image and maybe not so ordinary depending on political preference. I was more intrigued because my initials are DD. So I circled around, looked harder, and was even more gobsmacked with the ordinary world in Loogootee, IN.

Timing is everything. The flower gives power to this image with the butterfly. Photo Diane Nilan

Flower Power

Of all the subjects in my copious photo collection, flowers win the prize for the most. Where I now live, in the western North Carolina mountains, flowers thrive. My sis maintains the flower gardens around their house. I just hang out and take pictures. I’ll credit Lady Luck for providing this combo butterfly-echinacea and the perfect lighting.

In rural central New Mexico, on a back-back road, I spied what is to the beholder a lovely mess. Photo Diane Nilan

This Lovely Mess

For this household, their ordinary patriotic display makes a statement. My flag fetish was piqued! “Wow…that’s quite the flag display.” I couldn’t help but circle back as I drove by on this New Mexico back-backroad. What seems to be a chaotic jumble to me might be a Lovely Mess to the occupants of this household.

Is July Right Around the Corner?!

When I think I’m getting ahead, I’m not! On a personal/professional note, July 2024 begins my 20th year of my work at HEAR US Inc., my unconventional, one-woman national nonprofit to give voice and visibility to families and youth experiencing homelessness. We’ve got some exciting stuff going on, so check it out!



Diane Nilan
Full Frame

Founder/pres. HEAR US Inc., gives voice & visibility to homeless families & youth, ran shelters, advocate, filmmaker, author, 20 yrs. on US backroads.