Single Colour Photo Walk.

How To Stylise Your Street Photography Series

Fedor Vasilev
Full Frame
4 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Fedor Vasilev

I’ve been hosting photo walks for quite a while now and realise that that’s a great way for creative exploration and is a nice community for collaborations and development.

One of the walks I hosted, was dedicated to shooting in a single hue.

The colours were assigned randomly to each of us. I was using an app called Random Colour to have a good variation of hues.

And here is the thing, I realised that it can be more challenging and beneficial to use any hues and not limit ourselves only to the pretty ones.

As a result, this was the colour I got myself:

Everyone agreed that this was one of the most disgusting colours you could pick, so I decided to shoot green in general.

The idea behind this exercise is very simple: you shoot all of the images where you have this hue or similar hues as a dominant colour or at least as a hint.

While there is a lot of green objects our there and I picked the right area for the walk (an amusement park with many different colours around us), it was maybe even a bit trickier for some of us who got violet or magenta as their hue.

The Exercise Idea:

  • You pick any colour or let an app pick it randomly for you.
  • You go out to photograph anything that has that colour.
  • The colour is your subject this time, try to show it as best as you can.
  • Since a specific hue is very limiting, try to shoot this colour in general and then adjust the hue in the editing software. (otherwise, you might end up taking 2 pictures within 5 hours)

Here is the series that I got:

Photos by Fedor Vasilev. These 3 shots above weren't as green originally. They all were greenish but I enhanced the vibrancy of green to make them fit the series better.
Photos by Fedor Vasilev
Photos by Fedor Vasilev
Photos by Fedor Vasilev
Photos by Fedor Vasilev. I conveniently took the U4 metro line which has a green colour and took that last picture.

By the way, this was one of the first walks where I used my new Samyang 45mm f1.8. I got this to replace my Sony 50mm f1.8, and while these lenses get almost the same pictures, Samyang focuses around 2 times faster.

I would get more in detail but this is the topic for another post.

Thank you for reading till the end! If you would like to support me, you can subscribe to my blog, tell about it to someone who might be interested in photography and support me on Patreon.



Fedor Vasilev
Full Frame

I'm a photographer based in Vienna and I share my thoughts about photography with others. I'm eager to explore the world through photography