Still Photography

Full control of the photographic environment…

Todd B Harrington
Full Frame


Still life from the garden.
“Still Life From The Garden” (Photo by Author, © Todd B Harrington)

Over the course of my photography experience, I have dabbled in just about all phases of the art.

Landscape, nature, macro, time-lapse, sports, portrait, composite, and short filmmaking all have their advantages/disadvantages, demands, and limitations. In most cases, you have very limited control over your subject matter and the environment surrounding the scene.

You make your best attempt to get the shot under the given conditions.

I probably learned more about my camera and my capabilities while shooting sports. At the time, a family member played in a semi-pro football league where most games were at night on fields with less-than-desirable lighting conditions. Fast action under low light is a challenging condition for capturing quality images. I learned and adapted.

At the complete opposite end of the spectrum is still photography.

The photographer has full control over light, composition, and camera setup, only limited by creativity.

Still life of shells.
“Shells” (Photo by Author, © Todd B Harrington)

The above image features natural light. The setup and composition of a still like…



Todd B Harrington
Full Frame

After 40+ years of photography I have stepped outside the box and started writing. Connecting words to images, writing short stories, a short film and book.