Strange Addiction, Down On The Corner and Uncommon Places

September in Full Frame | 52 Weeks Photography

pockett dessert
Full Frame


september yellow flowers, blue skies, motion blur | © pockett dessert, blue yellow blurs
© pockett dessert, blue yellow blurs

September Highs

I crave the addictive high. Every hit no longer surprises me, nor does it feel strange how, under the influence, moments can turn mystical.

It doesn’t matter if I’m in familiar or uncommon places, that adrenaline rush is always the same and hard to resist.

Despite my dependence, I refuse treatment.

Because it is neither a quick fix nor a way to distract myself. This deep-rooted urge fills me with purpose, helping me stay connected.

Without it, my soul feels silenced.

Creativity is my addiction, bringing me back to what matters: remaining true to my inner voice.

nature, sunlight through trees, sky, water © pockett dessert, nature
© pockett dessert, nature

| 36 |
my strange addiction
like Billie Eilish, or not

what happens
I stop taking this pill?



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