Sunny Days, Road Trips, and Binge-Watching Amazing Series

52-week photography project: July edition

Michele Maize
Full Frame


A summer day at the beach with a colony of seagulls — Photo Credit: Michele Maize

It’s summertime and the living is easier. When the sun is shining, taking breaks becomes enticing and familiar. Days at the beach or the lake, basking in the sweet summer sun, and having some lazy days on the couch in the evening.

I’ve taken a few road trips this summer. One, in particular, was my favorite, Pismo Beach, which we just returned home from. We checked out neighboring areas, while also touring the local California State University, and relaxed with some popcorn and a good series at night in our travel trailer.

I love a good road trip, especially with our travel trailer in tow. Maybe I like it because I don’t have to be the driver and I get more time reading a good book. My husband would disagree and likes the destination more than the driving.

27 — Was a Sunny Day

It was a beautiful sunny day at the Oceano Dunes near Pismo Beach. We were lucky enough to stay at the Pacific Dunes Ranch with an entrance to the protected dunes. Let me tell you, it is no joke walking up and down sand dunes. I like to think I am in good shape but they kicked my butt. It was a workout, to say the least, but the sunset was worth the pain in my calves.



Michele Maize
Full Frame

Sober Traveler | Wannabe Vegan | Yoga Addict. Extrovert turned introvert who loves dachshunds. Owner of "The Maze". Editor at Black Bear and Globetrotters.