The Top 5 Things About Photography That Terrify Me the Most

Never mind that I’m five years in

Mag of Ghana
Full Frame


A camera suspending in the air, with an open hand ready to receive it
Photo by Reinhart Julian on Unsplash

Photography isn’t as sexy as some people think.

Sure, from the outside looking in, it all looks great. But once you get in, you’ll realize things are different from what you saw through the glass.

Over the last five years of wielding cameras and taking pictures, I’ve had some terrifying thoughts come and go. Some of these thoughts have manifested in my career (though with minimal damage). Long may it continue.

But they terrify me often. Do they hold back my creativity? I’d like to say no, though I suppose you can find a link somewhere. I can do little more than be super careful.

Here are the five things that terrify me about my photography.

Privacy concerns about my random street photography

Street photography has some fine lines that disappear all too often. When you see some pictures online, you’d be right to wonder whether the photographers got the subject’s consent.

And if the subject agreed to have their pictures published online.

I sometimes imagine someone accosting me online and asking me to take down the pictures I took of them. That’s why I do…



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