Week 7: 2024 in Black & White

A daily photographic journal

Alison Spence Montillet
Full Frame


Alison Spence Montillet ©

12 February 2024

Another Monday passes by. Dusk at 6 pm. The days are getting longer. Upstairs there are capoeira classes and downstairs ballet. The noise between the two create interesting clashes of sound. I wonder if they’ve ever created a collaborative dance performance.

Alison Spence Montillet ©

13 February 2024

This week is ski week. All the kids get one week off to go skiing, but sadly there’s no snow below 1500m. Desperate mums try to entertain their kids as cost-effectively as possible and the playgrounds are heaving with kids, while their mothers drink coffee, smoke cigarettes and scroll on their phones, realising there’s still three more weekdays with their kids. At least the sun is shining.

Alison Spence Montillet ©

14 February 2024

On the road again, heading to my inlaws in France for a few days, we stop at a truck stop in the middle of nowhere, northeast of somewhere. The kids run around the park burning up energy after 4…



Alison Spence Montillet
Full Frame

Daily photo diaries. Finding beauty in the ordinary. Seeing with new perspectives, life abroad, photography, creativity.