When’s A Good Time To Shoot Wide-Angle Photos?

How a wide-angle lens could make you a better photographer.

davíð matthías
Full Frame


Photo by author.

The answer to the question, “When’s a good time to take wide-angle photos?” is, of course, subjective in nature. Simply put, you might want to use a wide-angle lens, you might not. But, as I’m finding out, there is much more to it than that.

I recently bought a 16mm lens, which I’ll talk about later, and I’ve rediscovered a love of wide-angle photography.

Here are some reasons why you might find yourself wanting to use that wide-angle lens.

A mirror of emotions.

Recently I took a trip to our local country park. I needed to get out on my own and take some photos. I had my new 16mm lens on my camera.

My little photo-walk didn’t last long, because unfortunately my camera battery was almost empty, and I’d forgotten to put a spare in my coat pocket. But I was more than happy with the few photos I did manage to shoot.

When I got back in my car, swapped the battery over, and uploaded the photos to my phone, I was taken aback at how the images I’d captured reflected my current mental state.

It’s difficult to explain, but the expansive nature of the shots I took seemed to be an echo of…

