Why I Love All My Photos

And you should love yours.

davíð matthías
Full Frame


I love the darkness of the sky in the top left. I love the separation of the two silhouetted birds. I love the unusual appearance of bokeh in the sky, which was actually caused by tiny water droplets on the window I was shooting through. (Photo by me)

I’m not boasting here.

I love my photos.

I think they’re amazing.

Incidentally, all the photos in this article were taken with the cheap and cheerful Fujifilm X-A1. It’s a basic camera, but looking through my old photos, I realise that there is something special about these images. I’m strongly considering buying this camera again, when funds allow.

I love the positioning of his feet at the left-hand side, and I love the colour of the box. I also love the blackness of the background. It’s quite a minimalist shot, despite the subject filling the whole frame. (photo by me)

The interesting thing is it’s only my photos which I think this about.

I don’t have the same opinion of everything else I do in life. My writing — definitely average. There are lots of other things I do from day to day — and in everything, there’s always plenty of room for improvement.

I’m not saying my photography can’t improve. Well, actually I am. Let’s use a different word.

The shapes of the clouds here are incredible, and I’m really happy at how I framed them. I also love the contrast in colours — blues and oranges. (photo by me)

When I was training to be a teacher, I learned that it’s not helpful for children to hear that they have to improve in a…

